An Introduction to Processes

 What is a process?

Process is a combination of rational, interconnected and structured tasks. They have one or more inputs which they will transform to a defined and more valuable output.

Process components:

  • Input

  • Outcome/output

  • Tasks/activities

  • Events

  • Decision points

An outcome/output can be an input of another process.

Process-oriented approach:

In the process-oriented approach the organization focuses on project/task route and the role of each part of the organization in the process is clear. This approach will result in:

- Task clarification

- Ease of implementation and action control

- Identification of barriers and issues

- Creation of solutions and values

- Improving efficiency and value creation

Process architecture:

Each organization will have three types of processes: Main processes, support processes and management processes.

Main processes are those creating value for the client and are directly related to the business of the organization. Combined with support and management processes they create the architecture of the organization.

Process management:

Process management consists of several steps and can result in the improvement of the process.

- Modeling: it defines the general view and relations of the process.

- Execution: execution of the process components (tasks)

- Control: ensuring the process is progressing on the defined path

- Evaluation: ensuring the value creation

- Optimization: changing according to the identified needs

To gain the best results from implementing processes, all projects should be defined using process-oriented approaches. Also, they should be monitored during the execution step and changed when necessary. This will result in resource optimization and reduce disorder and actions based on personal preferences

Efficient Management & Managing Mistakes
By Eng. Masroor Vosoughi